Tuesday Sep 25, 2012

How To Believe You're An Expert

When working with clients one-on-one, I have found that a new entrepreneur has difficulty positioning themselves as an expert and more importantly, believing their are one. Some say that to be an expert you should have been practicing that line of work for at least 10,000 hours (that turn out to be about 12 years). But when you start a business around your talents, your business is derived from all the nut and bolts you've been implementing your entire life. Sometimes we think certain business owners or even celebrities become a household name over night, when in fact, that's not really the case. Entrepreneurs are a rare breed because we have been practicing our talents since we were born and have decided to turn those gifts into bread and butter. What you are here to teach makes you an expert in your industry because you are teaching what you know. What you know has taken you a lifetime (so far) to become knowledgeable in. You see, the fear of positioning yourself as an expert in business is merely a fear that needs to be stepped into. It's also a feeling that is derived from comparing what you do to what someone else is doing on your same topic. But what you do is different than the girl down the street, because she isn't you and you are not her, which ultimately means your teaching style is different, and your lessons also individual too. Here are a 3 ways to help you believe in your expertise so you can continue on in your business as an expert and become a leader in your industry: Focus on your life lessons. Decide to build your business around a topic that you truly know. Forget about all the textbooks you've read or all the formulas you have memorized and focus on your life lessons and build your products and services around that. Your products and services are your greatest gifts to your clients and how you will bring about positive change in their life with your genius. Embrace your spotlight and go for it. Start writing articles. This is huge if you want to position yourself as an expert and get industry folks to start paying attention to what you are doing. The best part about writing articles is you start to feel like an expert because you are giving advice, sharing your knowledge, and exposing your wisdom to the world. Writing is also a powerful tool to bringing the disconnect in your disbelief in your expertise from your subconscious mind to your conscious mind. Stay present and always be writing articles. Stop doing things for free. If there is a word of advice that I tell my clients often is to stop doing things for free. As a new entrepreneur you will most likely start out by giving away free consultations to get people to know and learn about you, but doing for things for free sets your business up as a hobby and not a place of commerce. When you do things for free you are really telling the universe that people should come to you for free advise and not to hire you for your expertise. So please, stop doing things for free. Being an expert doesn't mean you have all the answers and should act like a know-it-all, it also doing mean you've memorized everything nutritional value for any given food product; it just means that you have taken what you know to work and decided to share it with others so they too can experience the benefits of a fruitful life. An expert is here to help, but to become one you must believe in yourself. Love  & Success, Angel Holistic Business Coach www.angelquintana.com

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