Success Tips for Visionary Entrepreneurs

Holistic Business Coach discussing topics on how to grow your holistic business with marketing, branding, and trendsetting tips.

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Wednesday Nov 14, 2012

Feng Shui

Friday Nov 09, 2012

Ever wondered how people get rich in business? Guess what, they aren't just selling products and services for dollars, it turns out they do have a master plan-- and it's a pretty good plan to say the least. If you're an entrepreneur (or you're anything like me) you overwork yourself because you LOVE what you do for a living.
I'm sure you'd heard the saying, "don't work harder, work smarter." It's a saying that every small business owner is saying and desperately trying to figure out how on earth that can really be possible. Leveraging your time, creating residual income, and implementing passive income streams into your business are the true ingredient to abundance and wealth.
So what does it take to introduce these types of revenue into your business?
Here are a few ways you can incorporate continuity products into your business to help you leverage your time, create residual income, and makes loads of passive income by just being strategic.
So what is a continuity product?
A continuity product is a product or service offered that seeks to retain existing clients and to help attract more clients into your marketing funnel. That sounds good right? We all want that.
Here are 5 simple step on how to use continuity products in your business to help you build a stronger, more income generating business:
Think a Step Ahead. Before you launch your first product or even your free goodie, think a few steps ahead. Determine what product your market would like to buy from you after reading that free ebook or taking that introductory course from you and make sure you offer it to them before they finish.
Think a Step Behind. Before creating an info product or program think about the step before the program that your client might need-- sorta like a pre-requisite to the product. This will make it easier for you to create future products now that you have an introductory course.
Cross Sell. Think about what your client would need to assist them in the product or service you offer. This could be anything helpful that makes their experience with your product more enjoyable. Get creative. This doesn't have to be an "up-sell" just something like an ebook or special report that might help make the program much more helpful.
Always Over Deliver. The best way to retain customers and clients is to always over deliver by providing them with high content that is high value. Offering bonuses or extra free goodies during the program is always a nice gesture and definitely wins the hearts of your customers.
Ask For Feedback. Customers appreciate when you ask for their opinion and feedback. This shows them you really care about them and want them to have the best possible experience and outcome. Having them fill out a short survey or questionnaire at the end of a program is a great way to improve upon your services and add friendship into the equation.
I love continuity products because it's all about building a stronger relationship with your clients and customers. They'll appreciate it and so will your bank account. But the most important part about what you offer is that it is quality. Before launching a product always use these simple steps to make the most of your time while giving your clients an experience to remember.
Love & Success,
copyright Angel Quintana, Inc.
{Want to use this article in your newsletter or on your website? You're welcome to. Please just link the article back to my website and include the following blurb}
"Angel Quintana, CNC, HHP is a Holistic Business Coach who helps new entrepeneurs design a brand around their their life purpose so they can create financial prosperity and become a trendsetter in their industry."

Friday Nov 09, 2012

When it comes to business, some might say success has a very unpredictable timeline. From the day you come up with your awesome business name, purchase your domain name to filing all the legal paperwork, it's no wonder small business owners get overwhelmed and turn to the internet or great books for inexpensive solutions to their business questions.
Having read well over 100+ books on business marketing, branding, and numerous self-growth books designed to put me in the mindset for success, it wasn't until I fell up Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, that reminded yet again of the bigger purpose for owning my small business.
Whether you are just starting out or are knee deep in building your business, it doesn't matter what stage in the game you are. Who you are, what your brand stands for, and what your business brings to the marketplace, there is a question I like to ask my clients:
Are you a visionary?
While there are lots of similarities to the words "entrepreneur" and "visionary" there is an undeniable difference between the two; just as there are subtle differences between a "small business owner" and  "entrepreneur." Nonetheless, there are differences.
A visionary is someone who sees several steps ahead, not five or even ten steps, I'm talking about miles ahead of the rest. A visionary is someone who is running their business or living their life with a much grander purpose-- that being to help improve society at large by introducing a new way of thinking, an innovative never-before seen product, or simply a passionate soul who was sent the planet to stir up the pot and make sh*t happen.
The qualities that are different between just being a business owner, an entrepreneur, and a visionary, is that a visionary truly beats to his/her own drum. They also don't follow rules, follow rigid business plans, or map out some strategic marketing ploy (or plan) to bring in crazy amounts of revenue at whopping speed. They are a visionary because deep inside their soul is a message, a yearning desire to bring their ideas to life in a really big way, and see the future with wisdom.
I have always known deep inside my soul that I was a visionary. I am someone who went through the small business failure struggle, the entrepreneur's inner struggle, but it wasn't until I plopped the word "Visionary" in front of my title that my business took a drastic turn... for the better.
You see, being a visionary gives you permission to be as you are, no matter how long it takes to become successful. Because when you beat to your own drum, the one that is thumping out of your chest (most commonly called a heart), time isn't of the essence... your bigger vision is the core of your desire for success, and the best part is if you truly believe in your vision the money will naturally follow.
If you have struggled in your business, fought back the tears, failed, or feel like you are truly missing a piece to this "successful business" pie, you might very well be a visionary. If this article choked you up, sank your heart, or left butterflies in your stomach, I want to say hello to you... my fellow visionary. We are a rare breed. We were sent to this planet to do big things... and do it our way.
Love & Success,
copyright Angel Quintana, Inc.
{Want to use this article in your newsletter or on your website? You're welcome to. Please just link the article back to my website and include the following blurb}
"Angel Quintana, CNC, HHP is a Holistic Business Coach who helps holistic fashionistas design a brand around their their life purpose so they can create financial prosperity and become a trendsetter in their industry."

Friday Nov 09, 2012

There is something very powerful about the process and end result of a vision board. Throughout the past several years, I have grown addicted to making them, and I have manifested my goals on more than one occasion using this method.
But there is more to a vision board that just posting a bunch of pictures on a piece of poster board and then staring at it everyday. It's about the feeling and emotion that is behind what those images represent.
It's not to say that making a collage of all the wonderful things you hope to possess in your life won't happen if you don't find a higher purpose behind the details, but when you add quotes, words written in the present tense, or action words that motivate you to change your current circumstances, that's when magic happens... and it happens fast. So how do you create a vision board that works at lightning speed?
Here are a formula for making a vision board to ignite The Law of Attraction so your dreams may become a reality faster than you ever thought imaginable.
1) Go to google images and find all the things you want in your life. This could include things like more money, trips and vacations, more clients, a bigger reach, your target market, your dream staff, fame, respect, leadership, the home you desire, laughter, (more shoes, more shopping trips) etc... Store these images on your desktop in a folder called "Vision Board."
2) Use a software like iMovie (Mac) or Animoto, Ezvid, or Kizoa and drop all the images into the software to begin making your digital vision board.
3) Implement present tense text for each imagine. Things like: I have all the clients I need, I am making tons of money, I take vacations to exotic places, I work from anywhere in the world, I am laughing every day and loving my life, etc...
4) Add your favorite inspirational song to the slideshow. The song must invoke emotion, particularly feelings of gratitude. Once you feel how grateful the images make you feel, your dreams are already being heard by the universe.
5) Watch the video 2 times per day, every single day. Make watching this video every morning and evening a ritual while you are having your morning green tea or right before you turn on the boob tube to wind down from your day. This will help drill home your desires into your subconscious mind.
6) Sit back and let the good feelings fill up your cells.
7) Be aware of what is being handed to you in the form of people, circumstances, situations, and events that will help you reach your goals. There are signals right under your nose now, be sure you are paying attention!
The Law of Attraction works, never doubt it. Your digital vision board is the most powerful tool for growing you business, making more money, and living your best life. This article was written for you to use as a sign that bigger things are awaiting you! I want your life to be abundant and filled with new opportunities every day that bring you closer to all your hopes and desires.
Love & Success,
copyright Angel Quintana, Inc.
{Want to use this article in your newsletter or on your website? You're welcome to. Please just link the article back to my website and include the following blurb}
"Angel Quintana, CNC, HHP is a Holistic Business Coach who helps holistic fashionistas design a brand around their their life purpose so they can create financial prosperity and become a trendsetter in their industry."

Thursday Oct 04, 2012

Often when new small business owners lack a full roster of potential clients or even any clients at all is they don't know where to find these ideal clients. When looking for clients, often you need not look further than your backyard-- so to speak. Finding ideal clients is actually easier than you think because you don't really have to go searching for them, you just need to look in a few places you are currently hanging out.
Affinity groups are the communities you are already associated with or belong to. These groups could be found online, as well as offline. You might be thinking to yourself, "but I don't belong to any communities or affinity groups." This is what I head from most small business owners. However, unless you truly are a hermit, an anti-social, or a recluse (which if you are, then you probably won't go very far as a business owner), then it's practically impossible you are already affiliated with an affinity group.
The secret to client attraction is to be yourself and there is truly no better place to be yourself than to do what you are currently doing, only this time with a little strategy.
Here are my 3 tips on how to use affinity groups for client attraction:
1) Where do you hang out? This is the first step to finding those ideal clients is to make a list of all the places you hang out. This could include eating out at Whole Foods on Wednesdays for their $5.99 salad bar special, Friday night bowling, coffee with your favorite gals pals at your favorite cafe, shopping at a local boutique, going to Saturday morning farmer's markets, frolicking at weekend flea markets, cocktails at your go-to happy hour spot, your yoga studio, the gym... the places you are currently hanging out are endless. Jot them all down and then pick 2-3 of them and start talking to the people who work there. Introduce yourself and make connections. The more people who know about you the greater the chances of someone they know needing your services is much greater. Make sure to always have a great business card to hand out!
2) Who is your buddy? Having a friend or colleague attend events, seminars, conferences, and meetings together can be very powerful. This is a great way to start building your tribe of power partners. A power partner is someone who refers you business while you refer business to them. Just make sure it's someone that compliments what you do for a living, not someone who offers similar services. Having this type of business buddy is instrumental when attending affinity gatherings because they can introduce you to the people they are talking to and vice verse. Team up with people at those places you are hanging out and offer to be their power partner. I'm sure they will offer you the same in return.
3) Have you networked online? Online is a powerful place to meet people all over the globe who would like to do business with you or knows someone who would. Never neglect joining forums, Facebook groups, Meetup groups, or engage in social media as often as possible. Making social media part of your marketing plan is essential and definitely can pay off in the long run. Be sure to introduce yourself in every group you join and thank people for following you on Twitter or for adding you as a friend. These types of affinity groups are going to help you grow your business nationally and internationally. And the whole point is to get people to remember who you are, what you do, and what problem you solve so they can send people your way.
There is nothing wrong with being a new business owner who is still filling their practice with awesome clients, just don't sell yourself short. Your talents are needed in the world, and the most authentic place to find your tribe is by networking at the places you already attend and then tending to the people who are already following you, liking you, and commenting on what you are doing. Take a few minutes every day to say hello to a few people you haven't met, online and offline, and before you know it, you'll be at full capacity.
Love & Success,
Angel Quintana
copyright Angel Quintana, Inc.
{Want to use this article in your newsletter or on your website? You're welcome to. Please just link the article back to my website and include the following blurb}
"Angel Quintana, CNC, HHP is a Holistic Business Coach who helps new entrepreneurs discover their marketing style so they can attract the right clients, create financial prosperity, and become a trendsetter in their industry."

Tuesday Sep 25, 2012

When working with clients one-on-one, I have found that a new entrepreneur has difficulty positioning themselves as an expert and more importantly, believing their are one. Some say that to be an expert you should have been practicing that line of work for at least 10,000 hours (that turn out to be about 12 years). But when you start a business around your talents, your business is derived from all the nut and bolts you've been implementing your entire life.
Sometimes we think certain business owners or even celebrities become a household name over night, when in fact, that's not really the case. Entrepreneurs are a rare breed because we have been practicing our talents since we were born and have decided to turn those gifts into bread and butter. What you are here to teach makes you an expert in your industry because you are teaching what you know. What you know has taken you a lifetime (so far) to become knowledgeable in.
You see, the fear of positioning yourself as an expert in business is merely a fear that needs to be stepped into. It's also a feeling that is derived from comparing what you do to what someone else is doing on your same topic. But what you do is different than the girl down the street, because she isn't you and you are not her, which ultimately means your teaching style is different, and your lessons also individual too.
Here are a 3 ways to help you believe in your expertise so you can continue on in your business as an expert and become a leader in your industry:
Focus on your life lessons. Decide to build your business around a topic that you truly know. Forget about all the textbooks you've read or all the formulas you have memorized and focus on your life lessons and build your products and services around that. Your products and services are your greatest gifts to your clients and how you will bring about positive change in their life with your genius. Embrace your spotlight and go for it.
Start writing articles. This is huge if you want to position yourself as an expert and get industry folks to start paying attention to what you are doing. The best part about writing articles is you start to feel like an expert because you are giving advice, sharing your knowledge, and exposing your wisdom to the world. Writing is also a powerful tool to bringing the disconnect in your disbelief in your expertise from your subconscious mind to your conscious mind. Stay present and always be writing articles.
Stop doing things for free. If there is a word of advice that I tell my clients often is to stop doing things for free. As a new entrepreneur you will most likely start out by giving away free consultations to get people to know and learn about you, but doing for things for free sets your business up as a hobby and not a place of commerce. When you do things for free you are really telling the universe that people should come to you for free advise and not to hire you for your expertise. So please, stop doing things for free.
Being an expert doesn't mean you have all the answers and should act like a know-it-all, it also doing mean you've memorized everything nutritional value for any given food product; it just means that you have taken what you know to work and decided to share it with others so they too can experience the benefits of a fruitful life. An expert is here to help, but to become one you must believe in yourself.
Love  & Success,
Holistic Business Coach

Wednesday Sep 12, 2012

Do you have a blog or are thinking about starting one? Are you wondering how long it will take to build your audience so you can begin selling sponsorships and finally start making money? Or perhaps you are a little unclear as to how to get started and what does it really entail.
I was once wondering the same thing. I definitely had a voice I wanted to share with the public and I loved visiting all the amazing blogs on the web, but it can be intimidating. There are a lot of blogs out there on the world wide web!
Years ago when I started my first blog I wondered how my blog would transform and more importantly how it would make me money! It wasn't until I started thinking of my blog as a business that things started to turn around.
Here are some quick ideas on how to turn your blog into cold hard cash:
Have a mailing list. This is often overlooked by most bloggers and I must say it's a huge mistake. You must, must, must have a mailing list. Give your audience something to sign-up for so you can continue your conversation and get to know them better-- and perhaps someday you can sell something to them. (jewelry,vintage clothing, e-courses, design services, or hire you for what you do best)
Track your traffic. Don't concentrate on pageviews, concentrate on unique visitors. Embed google analytics into your blog and start tracking where your traffic comes from and be sure to start targeting those website who are bringing you new visitors. The money in blogging comes from how many people visit your blog, this is how you can sell sponsorships, if you should go this route.
Be yourself. This is an absolute must. I love when I visit a blog and you can tell through pictures and blog posts that this person is authentic. Copying someone or trying to be something you're not is like a stinky cologne-- no one likes that smell. Tell personal stories, but leave out anything private. Embrace your voice by writing the way you talk. This is a great way to build readership. The people you were meant to inspire or serve will take notice and will leave the others behind. You don't need a million visitors to your blog to be successful. You only need to create a buzz around what you're doing and then sell something that your audience wants-- but only if that something is something you love and are skilled at. Being yourself is always the key to success.
Choose a topic and stick with it. Trying to be everything to everyone is a big no-no. When starting a blog you should pick 1-2 topics max. When you confuse your visitors (like trying to blog about food, fashion, health, your dog, your relationship, your jewelry) they won't remember you as easily. Think of your blog as a business and start branding your strongest talent. Be known for something and then get really good at writing, making videos, taking photographs about that topic. Once your audience grows then you can introduce new topics to your blog and spread your wings.
Promote, promote, promote. Step into your spotlight and get in front of your people! If you sell your designs, artwork, or services, by all means promote it to the fullest extent. Your blog is a place to help other get to know you and what you're all about. If you have an etsy store or are trying to get your holistic business off the ground, have an area in your sidebar that screams "Hire Me" or "Buy my Rad Stuff." Remember: it takes 7-8 times of someone seeing something to remember it. Don't let your potential customers forget about all the cool things you are doing and selling..
Network like businesswoman. To turn your blog into a business you'll have to start thinking like a business woman. Networking creates relationships and like any good business, you'll need to start building a tribe that follows your every move. Hanging out online and offline with others in your industry who have the same target market profile, you'll generate a buzz around what you're doing faster. Try guest blogging or teaming up with another businesswoman to collaborate on a project together to help grow your business. And always reach out to people you admire and compliment them on what their doing. Be professional. Think and act like a true entrepreneur in your business moves.
Having a blog in the pinnacle to any businesses success, however, being a blogger can take months if not years to turn into a money-making business. Incorporating these tips will help build your tribe faster while serving them in a way that gets you remembered. Business is all about building the know, like, and trust factor. Let people get to know the real you and you'll find that your blog will naturally evolve into a brand that represents who you are and what you do.
Love & Success,
Angel Holistic Business Coach

Friday Sep 07, 2012

As I write this article I am getting choked up because this is a topic that, like an entrepreneur, we can all relate. Being an entrepreneur is hard work, and I'm not just talking about long work hours. Working late seems petty compare to the emotional upsets and breakdowns one must endure to have a business they love and making money at.
I have been an entrepreneur for nearly two decades. I've had 7 companies and I've been through quite a miraculous journey. There were times when I felt like I had it all and then there were times when I literally had nothing. And I'll be honest, I still have my days where I struggle.
It seems like a small price to pay for following the dream, but in reality it can really diminish your self-confidence and even ruin your desire to continue.
What I tell all of my clients is that these emotional upsets are part of the entrepreneur's journey. That is why I became a holistic business coach. I knew that with all my life lessons and attempts and failures at business ventures that I had a voice that could help soften the blows and lighten the load that many of us are carrying on our backs while growing our holistic businesses.
Often, emotional pain is a lot harder to deal with than falling on your knees and scraping up your legs. It's a rollercoaster at times and that's why I want to share my wooes and fears with you to let you know you're not alone.
Coping with entrepreneurial upsets can be dealt with in many ways. I know you already know about meditation, exercise, eating a healthy diet, and have a support group to lean on when the going gets tough.
What I really want to do is remind you that being an entrepreneur is something to hold with high regard: it's definitely NOT for everyone. It's for those rare people living on this planet that yearn for a better life and a better society to live in at large. It's about showing who you are to the world in the hopes that you can touch even one soul with your powerful message. It's your stamp on the world, your true inner light that was born to teach, and it will always be there living deep inside of you if you decide to give up.
Anyone can start a business, but only a few of us will become entrepreneurs.
You see, being an entrepreneur isn't a choice. Unfortunately, it's programmed in our dna or our epigenics. It's a seed that was planted at a ripe young age or it was something we were born with. Whether it started in the womb or captured you in your twenties, whenever it happened, forgive me if this hurts, but you can either or embrace it or suppress it-- either way it's here to stay.
There was a time that I tried to let go of my passion to thrive. There was a time I thought "my day job is enough for me," but who was I kidding. It was never enough. I knew there was a light deep down that yearned to do what I love and that's all I want for you-- is to recognize that you are a chosen soul destined to do great things in this world. You were meant to start a holistic business, one that cares for people with every cell of your body, and wants to be rewarded for your efforts.
I love you my fellow entreprenuer. May you have the most lovely adventure of your life. You are never alone. I'm right here with you.
Love & Success,
Angel Holistic Business Coach

Wednesday Sep 05, 2012

When it comes to starting abusiness or building an empire, you need to implement a marketing strategy to avoid the undeniable overwhelm. As a seasoned entrepreneur, I've had my share of jugglingmy own marketing campaigns with daily long to do lists. If you're just getting started, you don't usually have a lot of money to invest in spendy advertising or hiring a publicist. The next best thing for the new entrepreneur is to decide on your marketing style.
The easiest way to begin marketing your talents, is to just get started. Here are my top 3 Marketing Strategies for New Entrepreneurs who are looking to elevate their brand with good marketing.
1) Define your marketing style. I don't see this being talked about much on other websites, but I think it's one of the most important parts of your business. Your marketing style is unique to YOU, no one else. No one can tell you how to market your products and services, but they can help you uncover it. A marketing style will set you apart because it's done in an authentic way. Get to know the real you deep down inside and then use that spiritual part of you to tap into your marketing style. This will surely have you standing out in all your marketing efforts.
2) Make people feel special. Whatever you do, whether you are writing an article, a blog post, a newsletter, or sending out a mass email to your following, always write as if you are talking to one person. That one person is your avatar, or target market profile. Everyone wants to feel special; kinda like a girl on her first date with a man she admires. Make your audience feel special and in return they will help you feel special too. You'll know your marketing efforts are working, when you are getting a lot of warm and fuzzy emails and messages from people thanking you for all that you do. Now, that's good marketing!
3) Own your spotlight. Don't be afraid to email your list regularly or showcase your beliefs in your marketing efforts. People don't like vanilla or people who play it safe. It's only natural to admire those who are owning who they are with zest and charisma. Share your strong opinion about what you don't like or how you enjoy eating cheese puffs while watching The Bachelor. The more you are comfortable being yourself and letting your true self shine through, it's only a matter of time before your tribe discovers you and follows you all the way to the bank.
In closing, marketing isn't cookie cutter. There are always a zillion ways to do things and what works for one marketer may not work for you. Stay true to yourself and your marketing efforts will be fun and truly unique. And the best part-- is you get to be creative and shine your best self to world.
Love & Success,
Angel Quintana
Holistic Business Coach

Friday Aug 31, 2012

It's not as hard as it might seem, I promise. Starting your first business is so incredibly fun! But that's not to say it doesn't come with work. In fact, I'll be honest, getting a business up and running takes time, but it doesn't have to take forever.
Fortunately, there are 7 easy steps you can take right now to get your business off to a running head start.
Don't get flustered by the paperwork or all the sales and marketing tactics; all of that is just part of getting it all up and running so you can make money doing what you love AND serving the people you were born to teach.
With these 7 easy steps, you'll be running for your computer eager to get started! (At least that's how I was).
1) Get clear about your vision. What is it you love to do, talk about, or have a skill in that you'd like to share with the world. Obviously, starting a business means you'll have to sell something in order to make money, but what people are failing to tell you is you can start a business doing whatever the heck you want... as long as there is a big enough market who'll buy it.
2) Find out what people want. Asking friends, family, affinity groups, community, or even strangers you meet at the grocery store what they struggle with is a great way to survey what people are searching for and how you can translate that into your vision so you stay motivated in your business.
3) Research your Competition. Now, you know I'm not a big believer in competition, I think their is a market for every small business owner, you just have to fine tune what it is you are selling to resonate with what it is you do for a living. Researching your competition is really just taking note of what products are currently being sold out there (that are actually making money) and modifying them a bit. Not hard, right?
4) Develop your brand. This is a big one and more often than not it's what small business owners are completely forgetting, especially holistic business owners. Having a clear brand that conveys who you are and what you do in an authentic manner is going to make or break your business. Don't be afraid to hire a coach to help you develop these skills.
5) Decide what medium you'll use. Whether you are writing ebooks, online programs, video trainings, webinars, speaking engagements, one-on-one coaching, or have a tangible product, it's important to pick one (maybe two) or these mediums to start out with and truly become an expert in this medium. Too often start-up businesses try to be everything to everyone, and that's just not effective, and quite frankly dilutes your message. Choose the medium you feel most comfortable with and then challenge yourself as you grow into your business.
6) Have a marketing campaign. So incredibly important and also one that is often terribly overlooked. A marketing campaign is your business and it will only work if you have determined your target market. It's the bread and butter (or vegan chips and hummus) that'll put the vegan bacon on the table. You must have a marketing campaign and strategy to get your products and services found in the marketplace.
7) How will you collect payment. Will you use an online shopping cart, will you only accept paypal, checks, cash, credit cards? This is something you need to think about. Often small business owners start with paypal and grow into a shopping cart to collect payment easily over the internet for instant payment processing, but remember, your brand shouldn't be compromised by getting cheap about how you'll accept payment. My words of advice, invest in the easiest payment option for your ideal market.
I know business can seem overwhelming at first, but truly it's a step by step process. Once you've got these bare bones in place, you can move onto the next phase and continue to fine tune the process.
Love & Success,
Angel Quintana Holistic Business Coach

Copyright 2012 Angel Quintana. All rights reserved.

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